First camping trip of 2021...Success!!
It’s been a LONG year. The winter and early spring seemed like torture. Our family felt trapped. Stuck at home, and quite honestly a bit sick of each other.

Last summer Camping saved our sanity. We were able to get a break from it all but still social distance. So to say we have been looking forward to this years camping season is saying it mildly. The stress level in our house has been insane. The fighting. 🤦♀️ School at home has been great, but the kids are exhausted. Working from home with everyone home....well, interesting for sure but actually quite nice. This whole situation has given us a bit of freedom we didn’t have before, but I am tired. We all are! Mentally, physically, emotionally spent to the max.

Our first Camping trip was at our favorite local campground. Horseneck State Campground is rustic, right on the beach and 20 minutes from our house! It’s the perfect place to just pause for the weekend. And boy did we need it. Not only could I feel everyone relax, but attitudes changed. It was like our whole family took a deep breath and recharged.

We still had baseball...Nathan’s first “travel” game. It wasn’t really but the kids on the team were so excited to travel to a different field like the big kids on the travel teams! It was the perfect Saturday.

Did the arguing stop? Oh heck no! They are kids!! 4 amazing kids with some seriously strong personalities like their parents. 😂
But the happy faces and loving relationships I am most used to seeing are back and the anticipation for all our upcoming adventures has finally set in. 2021 looks like it will be a good year 🎉
