What a year it has been....
With all 4 children home schooling and both my husband and I working from home, to say this year has been a bit crazy is an understatement. Having everyone home for us has been fantastic but man I am tired...and so are they.
So, we have started getting the camper ready for the new camping season. Getting new bedding for the kids and organizing a bit better. Our Spring and Summer Camping is going to stay local, but this September we are packing up and heading south for almost 3 months! After being stuck at home all winter I might have gone a bit overboard planning trips for the next year.
Even local day trips are getting to be a bit underwhelming. 😂
I think we just have a serious case of spring fever. Once the nice weather gets us outside more, the restlessness is bound to go away.

But for now, we will take it one Pajama day at a time.